Monday, April 24, 2017

La Grande Ménagerie promouvoit le bien-être animal à tous les niveaux!

Sara Côté, co-propriétaire de La Grande Ménagerie a été une de nos premières participantes à se lancer dans notre programme des Meilleures pratiques de gestion pour animaleries. Quelques mois ont passé depuis et elle voulait partager avec les gens son expérience et pourquoi elle a participé à ce programme.

Co-propriétaires: Sara and Olivier Côtê
Depuis maintenant 40 ans, à La Grande Ménagerie, nous nous faisons un devoir d’offrir aux animaux sous notre garde les meilleures installations et soins possibles pour respecter leur origine naturelle et leurs besoins physiologiques et psychologiques. Mon nom est Sara Côté, je suis copropriétaire et directrice générale de l’animalerie, je représente la deuxième génération.  Mes parents m’ont enseigné et transmis la passion et le désir de toujours mieux connaître et comprendre les animaux de compagnie, afin de leurs offrir un environnement respectueux de leurs besoins, en ayant des standards élevés au niveau de nos installations et de nos protocoles de soins.

Ainsi donc, lorsque Pijac Canada m’a offert de participer à l’élaboration et à la révision des MPG en animalerie, ce fût avec joie que je m’y consacrai et y apportai mon expertise.  Je suis heureuse de faire partie des pionniers de ce programme et toute mon équipe est fière de notre distinction.

J’encourage toutes les animaleries qui mettent au cœur de leurs préoccupations la qualité des soins qu’ils offrent aux animaux, d’adhérer à ce programme.  Grâce à cela, l’animalerie pourra se démarquer et faire connaître à la population son intérêt sincère et son engagement pour le bien-être animal.   

"Le programme nous permet de nous distinguer..."

Le programme des Meilleures Pratiques de Gestion est offert sur une base volontaire à tous les membres de Pijac et la formation est simple, car elle peut se faire directement en ligne.  Le programme explique des normes élaborées clairements pour assurer un minimum de qualité dans les soins et instruire ceux qui ont la responsabilité du commerce.  Les pratiques recommandées offrent des critères de soins de la plus haute qualité et l’animalerie qui y adhère promet ainsi les hauts standards reconnus par l’association Pijac Canada. 

En parcourant le document, cela nous permet d’auto-évaluer les protocoles et les fonctionnements déjà établis dans nos lieux.  Le programme permet également de se distinguer et d’habituer la clientèle, les consommateurs, à la prise de conscience que certaines animaleries offrent des meilleurs engagements de soins et de gestion dans leur commerce.  

Depuis de nombreuses années, j’espérais que les standards de soins et de gestion des animaux en animalerie s’amélioreraient et deviendraient normalisés, afin d’assurer à ces derniers tout le nécessaire dont ils ont besoin et ce, dès leur séjour en animalerie.  Ma famille et moi-même avons toujours été convaincus que cela démontre clairement aux consommateurs les besoins essentiels de l’animal et que, si en premier, l’animalerie les offre elle-même, les consommateurs sont encouragés à en faire autant.

"J'espère que des centaines d'animaleries bénéficieront de cette entraide et expertise qui sont à leur portée en tant que membre de PIJAC Canada." 

Le bien-être animal est l’affaire de tous, plus nous améliorons les soins et la vie des animaux autour de nous, mieux la communauté et la cause animale s’en portera.  En tant que propriétaire d’animalerie, VOUS pouvez faire une différence auprès de vos équipiers, clients et bien-sûr de tous les animaux qui entrent en vos lieux.

Merci à Sara d'avoir partagé son expérience. Le programme des Meilleures pratiques de gestion a été développé pour aider les animaleries dans leurs opérations journalières et d'éduquer les consommateurs et ainsi ouvrir la porte pour d'importantes conversations. Pour plus d'informations sur ce programme aller voir notre communiqué de presse, visitez la page d'info sur notre site Internet ou envoyez un courriel à Jacynthe Lacroix à

Retail Member Feedback: Sarah Côté on the Best Management Practices Program

Sara Cote, co-owner of  La Grande Ménagerie was one of our very first participants to leap into our Best Management Practices for Retail Operations program.  It has been a few months and she wanted to share with others her experience with the program and why she signed on. What follows is an article written by Sarah for all of you.  

Co-owners Sara and Olivier Côtê
For more than 40 years, those of us at La Grande Ménagerie have made it our duty to offer the animals in our care the best possible facilities and care out of respect for their natural origins and their physiological and psychological needs. As co-owner and general manager of the pet store, I represent the second generation. My parents taught me, and they passed on their passion and their desire to always learn more about pets and to better understand them, in order to provide them with an environment respectful of their needs while maintaining high standards in our facilities as well as our care.

When PIJAC Canada offered me the opportunity to participate in the development and revision of BMPs in pet stores, I was glad to bring my expertise to the task. I am pleased to be a pioneer of this program, and my team is proud of the recognition.

I encourage any pet store that focuses their concern on the quality of care animals receive to join this program. Through it, a pet store will be able to stand out and make known to the public their sincere interest and commitment to animal welfare. 

"The program makes it possible to distinguish ouselves..."

The Best Management Practices program is offered on a voluntary basis to all members of PIJAC Canada, and the training is simple because it can be done directly online. The program clearly explains defined standards to ensure a minimum quality of care and educate those responsible for the trade. The recommended practices offer the highest quality of care, and a pet stores that adheres to them promises the highest standards recognized by PIJAC Canada. 

Browsing through the document allows us to self-assess the practices and workings already established in our stores. The program also makes it possible to distinguish ourselves, and to make our clientele, the consumers, aware that some pet stores make a commitment to better care and management in their business.

For many years I’ve been hoping that the standards for the care and management of animals in pet stores would get better and become standardized, in order to ensure that they are provided with all the necessities of life beginning right from their stay in the pet store. 

My family and I have always been convinced that this clearly shows consumers the essential needs of the animal, and that consumers are encouraged to do the same if the pet store itself offers them first.

"I hope that hundreds of pet stores will benefit from the mutual assistance and expertise that is within their reach as 
PIJAC Canada members." 

Animal welfare is everybody’s business, and the more we improve the care of the animals around us and their lives, the stronger the animal community and our cause will be. As a pet store owner, YOU can make a difference with your team, your customers, and of course all the animals that come into your premises.

Thank you to Sara for sharing her experience.  The Best Management program was developed to support pet businesses in their day to day operations and to educate consumers about care practices thereby opening the door for important conversations to take place. For more information on the program check out our press release,  visit the info page on our website or email Jacynthe Lacroix at

REGISTER NOW - Mastering Your Senior Pet Sales Webinar

Registration closing soon! Don't miss your chance!
Mastering your Senior Pet Sales.
There are endless videos and articles on helping pet parents elevate their knowledge of pet care, but not many about retailer-focused information on how to address and support all this new-found information.  This is where Sylvie can help you. She has over 20 years of experience in the consumer product industry and she's focused on the pet health category for the last 4 years. The pet health & wellness segment is a huge opportunity and the ‘Senior Pet’ category is one of the biggest within it. 

THIS WEEK: Don’t miss this unique opportunity Wednesday, April 26 @7:00- 7:45pm EST to better serve your customers and grow your business.

Sylvie Savage
Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM
 will be joining Sylvie for the webinar. Dr. Dodds is a leader and visionary in holistic pet care and will share some of her thoughts on Senior Pet Health.
She will help you learn:
  • Your opportunity within the retail landscape
  • How to engage your customers for deeper more meaningful insights
  • A review of the Senior Pets changing physiology and priorities
  • Product solutions for optimal Senior pet category management

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Wébinaire Comment augmenter vos ventes pour animaux âgés

Nous venons tout juste d'ouvrir les insriptions pour le wébinaire anglais: 
Mastering Your Senior Pet Sales

Présenté en anglais seulement. Le wébinaire français à venir.
Il y a plusieurs vidéos et articles pour aider les parents d'animaux à accroître leur connaissances sur les soins animaliers, mais très peu sur l'information ciblée aux animaleries et comment adresser toute ces nouvelles informations. C'est ici que Sylvie peut vous aider. Elle a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie des biens de consommation et a passé les dernières 4 années dédiée à la croissance des différentes options et connaissances du secteur de la santé et le bien-être animal. Ce segment apporte une énorme opportunité et la catégorie des "animaux âgés" est l'une des plus grandes à l'intérieur de celle-ci. 
Elle va vous montrer:
  • Votre opportunité à l'intérieur du secteur des ventes au détail
  • Comment approcher vos clients pour des idées plus approfondies et significatives
  • Une revue de la physiologie changeante des animaux âgés et leurs priorités
  • Des solutions de produits pour la gestion optimale de la catégorie des animaux âgés
Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM
 se joindra à Sylvie lors du wébinaire. Dr. Dodds est un leader et visionnaire en médecine et soins holistiques et partagera quelques-une de ses connaissances sur la santé des animaux âgés.
Ne manquez pas cette chance unique le 26 avril @ 19h EST pour mieux servir vos clients et grandir votre entreprise!

Sylvie Savage
Note: Si vous voulez une place pour le wébinaire anglais en direct "Mastering Your Senior Pet Sales”, n'hésitez pas. Les places vont se remplir rapidement.

Présenté en anglais seulement. Le wébinaire français à venir.

Mastering Your Senior Pet Sales Webinar

Okay, here it is! We’ve just opened the registration on: 
Mastering your Senior Pet Sales.
There are endless videos and articles on helping pet parents elevate their knowledge of pet care, but not many about retailer-focused information on how to address and support all this new-found information.  This is where Sylvie can help you. She has over 20 years of experience in the consumer product industry and she's focused on the pet health category for the last 4 years. The pet health & wellness segment is a huge opportunity and the ‘Senior Pet’ category is one of the biggest within it. 
She will help you learn:
  • Your opportunity within the retail landscape
  • How to engage your customers for deeper more meaningful insights
  • A review of the Senior Pets changing physiology and priorities
  • Product solutions for optimal Senior pet category management
Dr. Jean Dodds, DVM
 will be joining Sylvie for the webinar. Dr. Dodds is a leader and visionary in holistic pet care and will share some of her thoughts on Senior Pet Health.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity on April 26th @7:00 - 7:45pm EST to better serve your customers and grow your business.

Sylvie Savage
PS: If you want one of those spots for the “Mastering Your Senior Pet Sales” live Webinar, then please don’t delay. They’re going to go fast.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Célébrons 60 ans de bien-être animal pour la FSCAA

Nous avons eu le privilège, dimanche et lundi dernier, de participer et d’exposer à la Fédération des sociétés canadiennes d’assistance aux animaux, à Ottawa. Plus de 300 délégués issus d’agences à but non lucratif pour animaux ont discuté, pendant deux jours, de sujets divers: de ce qui se passe quand les refuges pour animaux sont vides, en passant par les enquêtes sur les crimes commis sur des animaux, jusqu’au commerce illégal d’animaux domestiques.

C’était la première fois que nous assistions à la conférence et ça en valait la peine. Nous avons pu connecter et reconnecter avec des collègues de SPCA de partout au pays. Ceux-ci ont pu accéder à l’information sur nos programmes de formation en soins des animaux de compagnie, en plus de discuter du soutien offert par PIJAC Canada.

Dre. David Suzuki et Barbara Cartwright, PDG de la FSCAA
 Un des faits saillants de l’événement fut le gala du 60e anniversaire, qui s’est tenu le dimanche soir. Cet événement spectaculaire souhaitait célébrer les efforts considérables de ceux qui ont permis des améliorations mesurables dans la vie des animaux domestiques, agricoles et sauvages. Le conférencier principal et gagnant de prix d’excellence pour ses nombreuses réalisations, David Suzuki, a prononcé un discours à la fois drôle et passionnant sur l’importance du travail pour le bien-être des animaux pour la santé de la planète.

Nous offrons nos plus sincères félicitations à la Fédération des sociétés canadiennes d’assistance aux animaux pour leur 60e anniversaire et pour cette conférence réussie. Nous attendons l’an prochain avec impatience !

Celebrating 60 Years of Animal Welfare for the CFHS

We had the privilege of spending this past Sunday and Monday attending and exhibiting at the Canadian Federation Humane Societies Conference in Ottawa.  Over 300 delegates from not for profit animal agencies were treated to two days of discussions topics ranging from what happens when shelters run out of animals and investigating animal crimes, to the illegal pet trade.

This was our first time attending the conference and it was well worth it.  We were able to connect and re-connect with colleagues from SPCA’s across the country offering them access to our pet care training programs and discussing the types of support PIJAC Canada can offer. 

Dr. David Suzuki and Barbara Cartwright, CFHS CEO
On particular highlight was the 60th Anniversary Gala on Sunday evening.  A spectacular event which celebrated the tremendous efforts of those who have made measurable improvements in the lives of domestic, agricultural and wild animals.  The keynote speaker and lifetime achievement award winner, David Suzuki, delivered a humorous and impassioned speech about how working for the well being of animals is an integral part of how we care for the planet. 

We sincerely wish the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies congratulations on their 60th Anniversary and a successful conference. We are already looking forward to next year.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Toronto Star - Pet Wellness Special Insert Opportunity

We were contacted by a company called Media Planet who is currently working to put together a special insert for distribution through the Toronto Star.  The insert will focus on Pet Wellness.  Should you be interested in reaching out to consumers in the GTA, you can find more information below.

Pet Wellness will be published in the Toronto Star on June 8th, 2017 and digitally on, reaching over 1 million readers.

Readership: 988,000 readers
Circulation: 239,675 copies
Side Distribution: CVMA Conference + monthly newsletter, CAHI AGM + monthly newsletter, Western Pet Industry Trade Show (reaching 9,000+ vet professionals and 500+ pet industry professionals)
Social Media: Our partnering associations, bloggers, celebrities and influencers will be sharing the campaign through their social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, etc.)
  • @tunameltsmyheart: Followers- over 2 million online
Pub Date: June 8th
Materials Deadline: May 22nd, 2017


Pets are not just any animal, they are part of the family, which is why it’s important that we make their wellbeing a priority. The aim of this campaign is to educate readers on the importance of pet health and wellness and to create a strong call to action to on their end as far as caring for their pets. We want to empower Canadians to become well-rounded pet owners to raise healthy pets for our communities.

For more information and rates:
Jeanne oh
Project Manager
Phone: +1 (416) 977-7100 Ext. 2202

49 Spadina Ave
Suite 502
ON M5V 2J1, Toronto

Monday, April 3, 2017

Announcing New Retailer Award in Canada

Announcing New Retailer Award in Canada

April 4, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) - PIJAC Canada is excited to announce the first ever Animal Welfare is Everyone's Business tm – Retail Award (Western).   This award will highlight the work of dedicated and passionate pet retail businesses in the areas of animal well-being and the promotion of responsible pet ownership.  Our goal for this award is to publicly shine a light on the efforts of the amazing people in our industry and to inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Award Criteria:
1.       Must be a pet specialty retailer in  one of the following provinces, BC, AB, SK, MB or Territories
2.       Must be a brick and mortar location
3.        Promotes responsible pet ownership in the store and community ie - Take home information packages, after-sale care program, care workshops, school visits, etc.
4.       Supports pet & pet families in the community ie - pet food bank, raising awareness of issues impacting pets in the community, assisting other animal organizations, etc.
5.       Any other general community support activities

Here’s how it works:
1.       Manufacturers and Distributors can submit the nominations online to PIJAC Canada by May 1st.
2.       Successful nominees will be announced May 9th.
3.       Online voting will be open May 9 - 23.  PIJAC Canada members, pre-registered show visitors and Western Cdn. Pet Industry Trade Show exhibitors will be eligible to vote.

The winner will be announced during the Fundraising Gala at the Western Canadian Pet Industry Trade Show the evening of June 4th

What about the rest of the country?!
This is our first time giving an award like this so we are starting small and building up.  Once the Western show has been completed keep watch for details on when nominations will open for the awards at ExpoZoo and the National Pet Industry Trade Show.  There are plans in the works to expand the Animal Welfare is Everyone’s Business Award in 2018 to pet services, manufacturers and distributors.
"For the last 5 years we have been sharing stories about the efforts of businesses who go the extra mile to educate people about responsible pet ownership and help to create positive pet experiences." says Louis McCann, association President & CEO,  "With the advent of our new Western Canadian Pet Industry Trade Show we felt it was the perfect time to launch this award. It is our hope this award will also become a vehicle for you to celebrate your accomplishments, inspire others and share your stories with the public at large."


For More Information: 
Susan Dankert
Communications Manager

Travel incentive opportunities for the Western Canadian Pet Industry Trade Show

Pre-register by May 15th and be entered to win one of the following travel incentives:

  • 10 Chances to win up to $300 in travel expenses
  • 10 Chances to win $100 Grey Eagle Resort & Casino gift certificate
  • 10 Chances to win $50 Holiday Inn gift certificate

To receive a chance to win gift certificates at select hotels, you must book your night stay before the draw.  Must also provide proof of expenses.