Friday, October 25, 2013

Quebec Advances Animal Welfare

Hard work, consultations and planning have borne fruit for the government of Quebec and more importantly the pets in that province.  The Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food unveiled their new licensing program with the aim of identifying and inspecting facilities that house and care for animals.   More than 250 inspectors, employees of MAPAQ and 13 SPA-SPCA will be working in the province to drive this legislation.   A process which began in 2008 included consultation from countless stakeholders and has resulted in numerous legislative changes over the last couple of years highlighted by the new permit schedule being put in place on November 7th.

Some have said the legislation does not go far enough to address the issue of irresponsible breeders, that the numbers of animals allowed in one location is still too high.    We were involved in the development of this legislation, part of a massive group who contributed to its creation and witnessed the struggle to craft a solid, effective law.    We believe this is a beginning, a foundation to build on.  The Quebec government has taken a big step towards cultivating improved protection of animals in this province.   This legislation also puts Quebec in line with New Brunswick and Manitoba who have similar laws.   These are the ones who are leading the way.

The province of Quebec has been continuously building towards better animal protection laws.  Very few things in life begin in a state of perfection, this law, if not perfect, has great potential.   It gives the province room for advancement and allows them to join their provincial counterparts in becoming a leader in animal welfare.  We are greatly encouraged by this new law and will be watching closely, along with the rest of the country to see how it performs.

To review the full details of the new legislation please click here. 
At the time of this announcement an English version of the text was not yet available so the link offered above has been Google translated.

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